Area code is 512 where not provided
Sheriff | 911
Fire - Ambulance | 911
Poison Control | 800-822-1222
City of Dripping Springs | 858-4725
Dept. of Public Safety | 444-5241
Fire Marshall | 383-7339
Hays County
County Judge | 393-2205
County Comm. Pct. 4 | 858-7268
Justice of the Peac, Pct. 4 | 858-7446
Constable, Pct 4. | 858-7605
Tax Ofc. - Dripping Springs 858-4651
District Attorney | 373-7600
Hays Co. Sheriff's Office | 393-7800
Non Emergency Dispatch | 393-7896
County Clerk | 393-7330
District Clerk | 393-7660
Utilities & Service Providers
Electric - PEC | 888-554-4732
Water - WTCPUC | 512.263.0100
Cable TV/Internet - Time Warner Cable | 485-5627